Hi, I'm Dilan
I'm passionate about bringing idea to live through the power of code, I strive to create web applications that not only meet client goals but also delight users. With a strong attention to detail and a drive for staying updated with the latest trends, I aim to bring my client's vision to life and make a lasting impact in the digital realm.
Reach outAbout
I’m a software engineer who loves creating websites and apps. I believe that you have to be able to see the big picture when you’re building something, and that’s why I like to work with a team. It’s also why I love working in groups where everyone has a voice, but we all work together toward the same goal—to make your site better than you could ever do on your own.
Tech Stack
- HTML, CSS & JavaScript (ES6+)
- Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap5 & MaterialUI
- ReactJS18 & NextJS14
- PHP & The Laravel Framework + Docker
- PQt5, JavaFX & Flutter/Dart
- Python,BS4 & Django
Recent Projects
TicketPass ®
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FilmFinder ®
A Netflix clone project named FilmFinder. It combines the desire to unleash powerful creativity with the industry's most advanced JavaScript tools including React.js, Material UI, Alan AI, and much much more.see more
Desktop App Management ®
Welcome to the Apartment Management Application, a desktop GUI application built using PyQt5. This application is designed to assist in managing an apartment building with a minimum of 20 rooms that are available for rent. It offers various functionalities to help you keep track of tenant information, room status, bills, and tenant statistics.see more
Explore my portfolio of exciting projects showcasing my skills and creativity in the world of software development. Each project is a testament to my passion for innovation and problem-solving. Dive in to see how I've applied my expertise to real-world challenges.
A powerful marketplace eneabling customer to book a bus with ease using their phone , this web application also eneable customers to sell their tickets between them and much much more.
This application includes user authentication, dark mode, sort movie on the basis of categories or genres, viewing movie and actor details, adding a movie to favorites or watchlist and many more functionalities. Alan works as in-app voice assistant which create conversational experiences for FilmFinder.
Experience a cutting-edge E-commerce web application built with React JS, designed to enhance the shopping experience for customers seeking their favorite clothing and more. This project leverages a robust technology stack, including Firebase for authentication and data management, React Router DOM for seamless navigation, Sass for elegant styling, Redux for state management, and integration with third-party APIs for enhanced functionality. Explore the intersection of innovation and user convenience in this dynamic E-commerce platform.
Get In Contact
I would love to hear from you! Wether you have a question, a project idea or just want to connect, feel free to reach out to me using the following methods
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